Douglas Webber

During Doug’s active retired status he has continued to work with Builders International in a development capacity, helping with teams on the field and connecting with pastors and churches in the states to promote projects. Doug has recently returned from Belgium having completed and opened the Oaisis Center in Antwerp, which is an outreach to trafficked people. This ministry helps provide options for those trapped in this horrible life. The Center has a coffee shop which provides training and subsidizes the outreach and placement. Doug is also assisting with project management at the Continental Theologial Seminary just outside of Brussels Belgium. Doug will return in April 2024 and be based in Brussels. Builders International is partnering with missionaries and pastors in Europe to plant churches and any facility that will proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. Builders has current active projects in Poland, Belgium, Spain, Melilla, France and a possible location in India in partnership with Northern Ireland. There are new opportunities occurring every month as God is raising up an army to change the face of Europe. The students from Continental Theological Seminary are an integral part of God’s plan. Former students and current students are will make a continuing impact. Doug has been strategically placed in Belgium to help.