Tom & Terry Bremer

Tom and Terry have served with Europe Teen Challenge (ETC) since 1983. Tom accepted the position of director of the fellowship in May 1998. ETC is a fraternal fellowship of the 39 fully indigenized, national Teen Challenge organizations in Europe and beyond; all are led and staffed by nationals. The Bremers believe they serve with some of the finest men and women in God’s Kingdom and they count it a privilege to work with them. Their colleagues are servants of God who are called to take hope and truth to the lost, addicted and marginalized of their cities and nations. ETC celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2019.

Tom’s ministry among his colleagues encompasses multiple roles: pastor, mentor, teacher, co-laborer and encourager. Tom is heavily involved when a new Teen Challenge work is launched in a country; Albania and Iceland are recent examples. Tom is a sounding board and an encourager for the people beginning the work. In addition to vetting and training those who feel led to reach drug addicts in their cities, Tom walks with them through the national legal registration process, assists and encourages them as they find properties to house their programs. Tom is recognized as a regional director for Global Teen Challenge.

Tom and Terry have lived in Portugal since 1999 where the ETC office is located. They have three grown children who were born and raised in Europe. Tom and Terry enjoy being with their family when time allows. In between times, they’re grateful for modern technology that allows video calls. They never imagined how much fun grandkids would be.