January 2025

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Scott & Sara Berkey – Kenya

As the USA is rolling into winter, here in Kenya we are starting to look around for the A/C Thermostat. It is warming up fast, but we love it (and we don’t have A/C)! 2024 was amazing. From the time we landed in July untiln ow, we’ve been “full speed ahead”. We have seen two teams from the US come and go, and Scott has been to the US and to Ethiopia for Africa’s Children Trips.

Praise reports! The KAG just completed their first ever National Teen’s Camp! (It was actually the first of its’ kind on the continent). We saw more than 1300 teens from around the country gather…and our 15 year-old daughter, Myah, got to preach! Scott also spent 3 days in Ethiopia working with the EAG to launch NextGen ministries there. God is doing something big in Ethiopia and we are excited to be a part of it. We are also making final preparations to welcome our first intern in the early part of 2025. This is a huge answer to prayer as we are believing God is calling more people to reach the NextGen of Africa!

Prayer Requests

  • For our daughter Madeline. She is ready to be home for a bit, and we can’t wait for her to get home.
  • For us to stay healthy. We feel constant attacks on our health and we need your prayers.
  • For God to send laborers into the Harvest. We need more leaders to hear and answer the call.


Tom & Jenni Keating – France

This Christmas, we’ve been reminded of the light that Christ brings to our world. His love and light shine brightly through every act of goodness and kindness.

Our 89-year-old neighbor greets us daily on the walk home from school. She invites the kids in for chocolate and waffles, becoming like a French grandmother to all of us. Her kindness has filled our hearts and lives. You shine Christ’s light here as well. We serve 400+ people each week because of your prayers and generosity. Some recent answers to your prayers for our work include three new volunteers who have been a great help to our team and growing partnerships with other organizations in our area.

Thank you for praying and for sending us to serve people in great need. Your generosity and kindness are a bright light on these dark winter days. We pray that Christ shines brightly for you and your loved ones this holiday season.