October 2024

Fafw   -  

YTH Missions Trip Team – El Salvador

The team lead by Pastor Ryan included several teens and youth leaders from First Assembly. They served as Evangelism team at King’s Castle located in El Salvador for 12 days. The team reported during their time at King’s Castle the following were confirmed:

  • 1684 people reached
  • 436 prayers for decisions
  • 651 prayers for problems
  • 603 prayers for healing

Pastor Ryan encouraged the teen “to step up and serve.” The team reported going to school and nearby neighborhoods. Teens completed programs, skits, led prayers, and handed out toys for the children. Pastor Ryan reported since returning home youth group have sponsored two national missionaries.

U.S. Missions Update

  • 150 people die every day from overdose from synthetic opioids like fentanyl. This is why we need Adult & Teen Challenge, U.S.A.
  • In the U.S. there are approximately 1.2 million people in state and federal prisons. This is why we need Chaplaincy Ministries.
  • Roughly 70% of students entering college as professing Christians will leave with little to no faith. The university is one of the most secular communities in America, and today’s student is tomorrow’s society. This is why we need Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, U.S.A.
  • Rural and village churches are being revitalized through church teams and at a rate of 48 projects completed this year. An approximate savings of $10,000,000 per year. This is why we need Church Mobilization.
  • The current influx of immigrants accounts for 13.8% of the U.S. population. This is why we need Intercultural Ministries.
  • There are areas in the United States without a consistent gospel witness. This is why we need U.S. Specialized.
  • 42% of Gen Z has been diagnosed with a mental health condition, the highest levels of anxiety and depression ever recorded in a generation with 8 out of 10 suffering. In the U.S., there are 45,979 suicide deaths per year, averaging 125 per day. This is why we need Youth Alive®.

Is there not a cause for us to reach out to this nation with the good news that Jesus saves, brings hope, and gives peace? We are commanded to follow the example and teaching of Jesus, to SEEK and SAVE the lost (Luke 19:10).To this end, the vision, mission, and strategy of U.S. Missions is to:

  • SEEK — so every individual can experience salvation and find discipleship in a thriving local church.
  • SAVE — empowering strategic evangelism and discipleship through nationwide ministries and U.S. missionaries.
  • SEND — supporting and endorsing missionaries to deliver the gospel and work with churches toward the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

Our forefathers called it revival. We need this revival to spread again across our nation. We need an enormous passion for souls to sweep across the United States and the convicting power of the Holy Spirit to work in the lives of Americans like never before.

Be part of the solution by partnering with U.S. Missions and our core ministries and initiatives: Adult & Teen Challenge, U.S.A., Youth Alive®, Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, U.S.A., Intercultural Ministries, Chaplaincy Ministries, Church Mobilization, U.S. Specialized, and Seek & Save.

Steve & Jill (Kids: Lucas, Josh, and Julia) McCarthy – Uruguay

We had THE BEST summer, and we hope you did too! We visited churches in ten different states, crossed the entire USA, and loved spending time with family, friends, and ministry partners. Our hearts overflow with the generosity and love we have been shown and we thank God for you and the blessing you are! We are wrapping up our itineration and are believing our next newsletter will come to you from Uruguay! Pray for us as we manage all that is to come these next couple of months: packing, moving, paperwork, and goodbyes.

Prayer Requests:
For the upcoming transition as we return to Uruguay for a fourth term.
For financial provision (current commitments at 92% of goal).
For the new church plants.
To continue seeing miracles, changed lives, and transformed families.
Health, strength, and supernatural protection.
Anointing, wisdom and favor.