August 2024

Fafw   -  

Japan Missions Trip Team – FAFW

Our team of First Assembly Young Adults and Chi Alpha students worked alongside missionaries, Pastor Chris and Lindsey Carter, at Tsukuba International Christian Assembly. The team participated in a variety of projects such as gardening, painting/ some construction, puppet shows, leading small groups, tech support, and more.

This trip presented opportunities, unlike a “normal” trip. The team all took turns in leading group devotional time and reported excitement and concern while completing grocery shopping/meal planning for a large group. Pastor Laurie said you “felt victorious” after grocery shopping and had an understanding of missionary life on the field. Aaron Williams stated, “It taught many of us how to be more intentional with people.” Grace Mancia shared that while deconstructing a drywall she was reminded “I am stronger than I give myself credit for.” Addam Smith reported he enjoyed talking to people in the community and said “Be willing to be loud for Jesus” while referring to challenging Japanese quiet culture. Celeste Greven described a huge need for missionaries willing to serve in Japan. Jonathan Brito explained “When the Lord asks it of you, he knows and sees you. God knows you can do it” as he described learning how to say YES when it is hard to do. Nathanael Wertz reported being presented with leadership opportunities throughout the trip as he shared “God is saying you can strive to be excellent and still be a good leader”. The team emphasized Japan’s need for global workers, prayer, and support.

Prayer Requests:

  • For Pastor Chris and Lindsey.
  • For church planting and intentional fellowship for the Tsukuba International Christian Assembly.


Eric & Tiffany Richardson – Middle East

Our return to the Middle East has been the epitome of the old idiom, “hit the ground running.” We were walking through the last few weeks simply trusting the process and thankful for so many people working hard to help our family be sent back to the field. After 20+ hours of travel, we arrived in Jordan on Friday evening.
It was an extremely special year for us. So many treasures from the Lord… too many to list. Just know this one thing: WE COULD NOT, WOULD NOT BE HERE WITHOUT EACH ONE OF YOU.

Prayer Requests

  • For the jet lag to be fully switched and good sleeping pattern.
  • For the family as they learn Arabic.
  • For meaningful relationships.