July 2024

Fafw   -  

The Roloson Family – Algeria

We continue to labor, to put ourselves in community, to have deep and hard conversations, to pray and pray and pray… believing that CHURCHES (communities of faith) will be planted in each of the communities we live in and will multiply to every people group in this country. Our family has become its own community introducing Ruthie Elnor Roloson. Ruthie means friend—Elnor is passed down from Rhea’s great grandmother and its meaning in Arabic is “the light”. So we pray she will always walk close to Jesus and be a “friend of the light”.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for our Algerian friend who is studying the Word each month—that he would confess Jesus as Lord and Savior.
  • Pray for our friends who have upcoming transitions—that in change and uncertainty they would search for Truth and the God who comforts.
  • Pray for each person on our team to continue find ways to engage with community around them and that they would be able to share Truth boldly.


Mark and Judy Hayburn – South Africa

We would like to share with you the blessings God poured out on all the participants of the Marriage Seminar we conducted in Rustenburg, South Africa in May. The teachings covered topics such as “God’s Original Design for Marriage” according to Genesis 1 and 2; “The Impact of the Fall” according to Genesis 3; and the “New Testament Model for Marriage” (with emphasis on Ephesians 5:21 – 33).

We closed the seminar watching the movie “Fireproof” which left the entire audience in tears throughout the movie and ended with loud cheering and joy to see how God can transform any marriage by following biblical principles and loving each other with God’s Agape Love.


Bethany Hutson – Chi Alpha Fort Wayne

Our international ministry is growing and students are jumping on board to reach internationals. A few weeks ago, we took 3 students to All Nations, a international student conference in Tulsa, OK. There were over 200 students and staff there where students are poured into and trained to make disciples. I had the privilege of helping lead a breakout session with students who had questions about the Gospel or even in reaching people who don’t know Jesus. As my budget is increasing and the cost of living is rising, I am raising support with the goal of raising approximately $1500/month by the end of this summer to be in a place so I can minister to students on the campuses of Fort Wayne.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for financial and prayerful provision while support raising.
  • Pray for continued healing for Bethany’s dad after heart surgery.
  • Pray for preparation for the fall semester.