June 2024


Stuart & Wendy Brown – Compassion Link

CompassionLink loves investing in the lives of our college students! We explained the benefits of teaching families to use health training kits and training local church members to give basic optical exams. Stuart shared the importance of working with communities to provide sustainable solutions to restore community health and bring the unchurched closer to Christ. CompassionLink is introducing community development practices to global workers in North Africa. Also, on the agenda is assessing mountain villages for sustainable income generation.

Praise Reports:

  • Congrats to Stuart for going back to college to become a Master Gardener.
  • This June we anticipate hundreds of new global workers and associates to descend upon the Evangel campus for two weeks of intensive cross-cultural training and spiritual formation.


Bill & Lena Shrader – Peru

Recently, we celebrated our church’s 40th anniversary. When we took over the church, just before Covid hit, we dreamed of this day. Our church is healthy and growing. We have taken on an adopted revitalization project. Rock of Faith church is located two hours outside of Lima in the foothills of the Andes Mountains. Our church team is transforming an economically challenged community in the desert.

Prayer Requests

  • Dengue is a mosquito born virus that causes fever, upset stomach, extreme joint pain, and bleeding from your gums. Please pray for a miraculous eradication of this illness in our area.
  • University Ministry: Lena is the new point person to lead this ministry nationally. Please pray for a strong team, ministry fruit and the ability to apply our decades of experience in this cultural context.
  • Grandchildren: We have two new additions to the family on the way! Our daughter-in-law, Tara, and our daughter, Hannah, are both pregnant. We’re delighted. Please pray for healthy pregnancies and easy deliveries.


Jon & Dede McCluey – Colombia

We just concluded our 4th Annual Colombian Deaf Conference in San Francisco, Colombia in March. With 96 people attending, this was our biggest conference to date. The theme verse this year was Psalm 37:27 with the idea that we must choose what is good. Everyone had a wonderful time, and it was all made possible because of the amazing support from BGMC! Thank you, BGMC! The women’s ministry has grown and developed to the point that the ladies from the church have taken over the leadership of the group with Dede now helping them lead. What an amazing praise report from where the group started years ago with just Dede and one other lady. God is so faithful!

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for a good location for the 2026 WDAG Conference in Cartagena.
  • Continue to pray for friends for our children.
  • God would call and equip Deaf leaders and pastors.