First Assembly

Sundays at 9 + 10:45 AM

A multi-generational church in Fort Wayne, Indiana with a rich, 95-year legacy.

Celebrate Easter With Us

The Journey of Faith

Our passion at First Assembly is to encounter God, walk alongside you in your faith, help you discover the gifts and purpose God has placed in you and welcome you into an authentic community.

Follow Jesus

Jesus wants a relationship with you. Our Sunday services are where we create a space for you to encounter God.

Connect to the Church

We need people to walk with us in our faith journey. Connect through Groups to find life-changing community.

Discover Your Purpose

We’re all an important part of God’s plan. We want to help you take steps towards discovering your unique purpose.

Impact the World

Live out your calling and make an impact. Discover opportunities to serve our community and church family.

We accept you for who you are, but love you enough not to leave you there!

Experience a meaningful encounter with God.

Spanish translation is available during our 10:45 AM service via Listen Everywhere.

9:00 AM


First Service

10:45 AM


Second Service

We're passionate about the next generation.

Connect With Us

Follow us on social media to know more about who we are and everything that is happening in the life of our church!